Change your thinking – transform your life
Event Announcement:
change your thinking – transform your life
spiritual talk | concert | meditation
by Br. Shubamrita Chaitanya
02.06.2015 in Vienna
Entry 18:00 | Start 19:00
Veranstaltungshaus Bockkeller | Gallitzinstraße 1 | 1160 Wien
Brahmachari Shubamrita Chaitanya has lived with Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma) as a monastic disciple since 1989 and regularly gives lectures and seminars on stress management and meditation throughout Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East. Drawing on more than 20 years of experience as one of Amma’s closest disciples and personal translators, Br. Shubamrita shares his understanding of the Eastern spiritual traditions in practical and easily understandable terms. Br. Shubamrita is also known as a gifted singer/songwriter. During his programme he will give a talk on the practical application of timeless spiritual principles and practices in day-to-day life. He will also sing devotional songs and lead a brief guided meditation.
Free entry. Snacks are available.
Organizer: Amrita Austria
Info-Tel 0650-27 09 108
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