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May 27, 2009 at 6:54 am #1393
KeymasterVienna is a cosmopolitan city. There are all types of people from all walks of life, and just about every nationality.
This warning is for women who have husbands they love and cherish to be aware that there is at least one psychotic Belgium young woman, who is dead set on wreaking havoc amongst happy families. These are her main tartget.
I feel it is my duty to alert the women of Vienna to this problem, since it has all but torn apart my very strong marriage to a wonderful man.
A straight A student attending an American University in Vienna, my son (who was a minor when this succubus got hold of him) used and abused him for a full year. He was too blinded by what he perceived to be love to understand she was simply using him.
He is a gentle soul with a kind heart and was in howling agony for three full days and nights when she finally made a pretext and threw him out on the street. As a mother it was hard to take and I hope no-one else suffers these agonies.
Her next target was my husband. She contacted him at work via these so called Social Networks, and proposed that they meet, adding that she knew he found her attractive. That was her first mistake. She is red haired, scrawny beyond belief and short haired. BUT she is a consummate liar and made her advances to him well known. Being a man he was flattered, but to his credit stopped her dead in her tracks.
I should mention that this is AFTER this slimeball of a human being lived in our family home FREE OF CHARGE for six weeks while her apartment was refurbished. At that time she wandered round like a fairy princess, picking holes in the housekeeping, the food, the furniture and in fact everything she could think of.
We opened our doors to her as a daughter thinking she must be missing her parents in Belgium who dote on her like some fairy princess. When in fact, she hates them and despises the mother who is a Bible Bashing Missionary for the Catholic church, passing on this indoctrination to small children.
The father is so anally retentive that he could not sit down on a sofa for fear of sucking it up his behind. His princess can do no wrong in his eyes.
In reality, this double talking, two faced succubus is loose in Vienna. I am pursuing legal avenues to bring her to book, including informing the head office of the university in St Louis, who preach about high moral standards in all their universities.
I am lucky to have a strong marriage, but if it had been at all shaky, it could have collapsed.
So read this ladies and take it to heart. Yes I am upset. Yes I am angry. But every single word of this is true.
If anyone needs more information to avoid this poor pathetic excuse for a scrawny scraggy piece of merde, then PM me, I will gladly let you know which areas to avoid. She is under the mistaken impression that she is some kind of ‘femme fatale’.
My advice is to disbelieve any words she speaks to you and to keep your menfolk protected from this Janus.
I hope this posting helps someone avoid what my family has endured at the hands of this selfish, conceited and deceitful young woman.
Networking on women like this will help us to protect something we cherish which some pathetic sociopath borderline personalitytype wishes for her own. Please post your own stories and lets stick together to defeat this scourge of happy stable families.
Edit note:
I have removed the persons name in your post mrs_sultana
SilviaMay 27, 2009 at 7:57 am #1738admin
KeymasterMy two pence of advice…
I think the first priority for you is, and should be, to secure your family against further pain; I realise your need to get some kind of closure on this crisis, but… be careful! This is the world wide web. VV is a lovely, tight-knit community, but if your miss G. is as bad as you say, she could in theory look in here and print your words to use in court against you, or preempt your actions in some other way.May 27, 2009 at 8:49 am #1739bubbles
MemberSounds like a real piece of work! As long as you keep her full name anonymous, I wouldn’t worry about any legal repercussions but, as Imp pointed out, this person could possibly read this site and attempt to preempt your other plans.
Anyway, it’s good of you to consider your married sisters in the English speaking community and give’m a heads up. Seems to me like this young thang needs to seek some professional help sorting things out for herself. Probably is unaware of the need so it won’t happen. Don’t get too worked up over your own personal pain and displeasure, it’ll all come back to her one day. Call it karma, law of conservation of energy, whatever…the energy she expends in low-lifed activity and thoughts doesn’t just go away somewhere; it may convert multiple times but in the end it usually comes back to it’s source.I now step off the soapbox….
May 27, 2009 at 1:16 pm #1740admin
KeymasterWhy remove her name ? It was not her full name. It was her first name plus an initial. Annelise is a common name. The surname is G.
If you are worried about the website legally (and you need not be because every single word is absolutely true), then you could abbreviate it to AG.
What kind of warning is it if you leave out the name or initials. None at all.
And no, I am not at all worried about a ‘preemptive strike’ this piece of s*** does not have the wit to do anything, and besides that, she has no leg to stand on it is is all absolutely true and verifiable. I am not stupid. She is.
That much should be clear to anyone who reads this.May 27, 2009 at 1:44 pm #1741mikevienna
MemberI’ll start by saying that I don’t want to take any sides here–I don’t know anyone involved in this case.
I would suggest that deleting the name of the person you are accusing reduces the chance of you being taken to court for slander.
Finally, what “crime”, in law, has actually been committed here? I know your situation is a messy one but you should be careful about what you write and where you write it.
Hope everything turns out for the best with you and your family.
May 27, 2009 at 1:44 pm #1742Phillip
MemberShe is red haired, scrawny beyond belief and short haired.
She sounds really attractive. Are there any other distinguishing features?
May 27, 2009 at 1:54 pm #1743admin
KeymasterYes, she simpers and smiles a lot, thinks she is better than any and every one else, is poetic and ethereal. She speaks Belgian and poor English (or so she thinks) and is a real piece of work. She has literary leanings but is unlikely to realize them since she is also a consumate liar.
She is also a strake, although that is not an obvious feature.
My advice would be to avoid this creature.
May 27, 2009 at 1:55 pm #1744Phillip
MemberAnd – Silvia is right to delete the details – I am surprised she didn’t delete the post.
As the Site Administrator Silvia has a duty of care to ensure that defamatory statements are not made (she sometimes makes an exception for particular Republicans).
The truth is not always an excuse in a defamation case – it depends on the country – and you would be hard pressed to provide the objective information that a court would require for you to defend an action against you by her.
She would have her own version of the ‘truth’ and in the end it would be your word against hers.
In fact – Silvia should delete the post because I can see tears before bedtime.
May 27, 2009 at 1:59 pm #1745admin
KeymasterSlander is the least of my worries. And slander if true, is not slander. It is all completely provable.
I selected this university since they had a strong moral code. My son was underage when this girl targeted him. That is illegal as far as I know.
Your advice is well meaning, but irrelevant. Without my son being happy and an intact strong marriage, nothing else means anything to me.
But I am still in shock that someone who took advantage of my good nature and lived off us like a paracite to suit her own needs, could behave so apallingly.
And this pathetic excuse for a female is from a bible bashing family and the mother is actually a Religious Teacher of children. Seems to me she should have instilled some kind of morals into her daughter first. But cleaning her house is her number one priority.
May 27, 2009 at 2:01 pm #1746admin
KeymasterYou are wrong Philip. I have hard proof. I am not a teenager who has just fallen into this world.
There is also plenty of proof online.
Just hope you dont come across her, but then you probably think you could handle her. Good luck.
May 27, 2009 at 2:05 pm #1747admin
KeymasterAnd to Mike – I am being careful about what I write. The truth is the truth, plain and simple.
And supported by documentation.
My intent is to warn other women about this strake. That is what I am doing. It is hardly possible to warn others without telling them what happened is it ?
And again you are wrong. There are not two sides to this story. This piece of work destroyed my teenage son, then tried to destroy my marriage.
Pure and simple.
May 27, 2009 at 2:05 pm #1748mikevienna
MemberSeriously “mrs_sultana” (sorry but I don’t know your name), I have to agree with Phillip here-you should stop this. I know it is worrying but stop, calm down and then try to think rationally. If it is a serious problem then take it to the proper authorities and let them deal with it rather than putting it here.
I would really suggest the admin close down this thread.
May 27, 2009 at 2:10 pm #1749bubbles
Member@Phillip wrote:
And – As the Site Administrator Silvia has a duty of care to ensure that defamatory statements are not made (she sometimes makes an exception for particular Republicans).
…and rightfully so! 😈
Mrs. S – besides abiding by the doctrine of CYA, Sylvia is kinda covering yours, too. Austria has rather peculiar laws about privacy, libel, slander and defamation and tends to enforce them rather stringently. In the following case it was at the behest of Airbus corporation but this poor soul must be hatin’ life these days, wherever he is.
May 27, 2009 at 3:19 pm #1750admin
KeymasterMrs S. – Truth may be absolute… proving truth requires hearing varied perspectives. Hearing it once was warning enough… the more you argue that you are in the right, the less you will be believed. Not because you’re wrong, but because such is the nature of society. Most of us are disinclined to sentence people without hearing their view, and this is what you’re trying to make happen here… with the consequence of getting hurt.
I’m not saying that I don’t believe you, mind, I am saying that you’re making it harder for everyone to believe you by insisting on this path and ignoring well-meant advice. I sympathize with what you say you’ve gone through… I don’t sympathize with your choice of reaction; it’s not about protecting your family any more, because your family is now, according to you, safe. It’s about revenge. In the end, no matter whether or not SHE deserves the ridicule, revenge is a degrading choice. And we are all judged by the choices we make.
May 27, 2009 at 7:49 pm #1751admin
Sorry for what you and your family went through and I yes, as mentioned already, her karma will definitely catch up to her.
Unfortunately, the world is filled with these types of people – both men and women.And all of this does happen — unfortunately, I don’t think Webster University can regulate who is dating who. And if your son was underage at the time, then wouldn’t it have been you and your husband’s responsibility to legally stop it?
Not saying you both didn’t do anything about it or raise concerns but you are writing about hard proof and online proof, etc…… but then she was a walking danger sign anyways so why touch her?
Lesson learned: When you see crazy coming at you, cross the street!!!!
this would apply to anyone who comes between relationships. -
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